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Internal Transfer Policy

Team-to-Team Movements of Existing Players

Purpose – The club in general has a principle that players should stay with their existing
teams. We aim to see players build friendships within their team and that having diverse
friendships is a positive part of Rugby.

The committee acknowledges that at times transfers will be required, requested, etc. The
following policy encompasses the process to go about an internal transfer and considerations
that will be considered before approval.

Requests to transfer players between existing teams in the same age group (internal transfers)
must be in writing to the Age Group Manager and Registrar. If the Age Group Manager /
Registrar agree with the request for transfer (or both coaches have agreed the transfer) the
case will be passed to the Clovelly Committee for consideration.

Requests for Transfer may be granted based on the following – in order of priority:

1) Player Safety
– to ensure competitiveness of teams in competition games
– to enable teams to have suitable front row/ tight five players.
– to ensure each team as an adequate number of players

2) To assist with scheduling issues if team training times and/or days within an age
group are split – e.g. Monday / Wednesday for training, and/or Friday/Sunday for

Friend or school alignment are not sufficient rationale by themselves to ensure a transfer is
approved. Other normal rationale could be issues within the team, the players or the

The committee acknowledges that reviewing each request on a case-by-case basis is required
for these matters and understanding the facts and rationale for such a request.

Noting that movement requests can be agreed by mutual agreement by the impacted team
coaches, but they should send through a request which they both support.


Approved 9 February 2023 Committee Meeting